Disney’s 20th Century Studios has released a new trailer for its upcoming third installment of the Kingsman series: The King’s Man. Set around a century before Kingsman: The Secret Service and Kingsman: The Golden Circle, the film is about the origins of the freelance intelligence agency as they work to stop a devastating war from taking place.
This latest trailer for the film shows off Orlando Oxford, Duke of Oxford (Ralph Fiennes) trying to get an audience with Russia’s Czar by way of Grigori Rasputin (Rhys Ifans), before we learn a bit about what he’s up to: setting up the “first independence intelligence agency,” designed to stop some of the world’s smaller problems from snowballing into bigger ones.
As the world’s various powers are moving into a wartime footing, Orlando and his compatriots get into plenty of trouble of their own—brawls during balls, sword fights on snowy mountains, and action on the front lines.
Directed by Matthew Vaughn, the franchise is based on Mark Millar’s 2012 comic book The Secret Service, about new recruit to the Kingsman service.
The film was originally due out in theaters in 2019, but was eventually bumped to February 2020, and because of the COVID-19 pandemic, was moved back several times into 2021, until finally landing on December 22nd, 2021. Hopefully, it’ll be safe to go back into theaters by that point.